2024 Course curriculum

  • 1

    #1 - Eras of the Internet

    • Assignment: First Era of the Internet

    • #1 - Eras of the Internet

    • #2 - The First Era of the Internet

    • #3 - The Second Era of the Internet

    • #4 - The Third Era of the Internet

    • #5 - Crypto Networks

    • #6 - Decentralization Basics

    • Module Test: Eras of The Internet

  • 2

    #2 - Web 1

    • #1 - Web 1.0

    • Module Test: Web 1

  • 3

    #3 - Web 2

    • #1 Web 2.0

    • #2 Web 2.0 / Monetization

    • Module Test: Web 2

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    #4 - Web 3

    • #1 - An Introduction to Web3

    • 2# - What is Web3

    • #3 - The Basics of Web3

    • #4 - Core ideas of Web3

    • #5 - Web3 & Censorship Resistance

    • #6 - Web3 & Ownership

    • #7 - Web 3 & Identity

    • #8 - Web3 Payments

    • #9 - Companies and Organizations with Web3

    • #10 - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

    • Module Test: Web 3

  • 5

    #5 - Web3 Browser

    • #1 - Web3 Browsers

    • #2 - Status Browser / Overview

    • #3 - Status Browser / Self-Introduction

    • #4 - Status Browser / Walkthrough / Part 1

    • #5 - Status Browser / Walkthrough / Part 2

    • Assignment: Status Browser

    • #6 - Puma Browser / Overview

    • #7 - Puma Browser / Walkthrough

    • #8 - Opera Browser / Overview

    • #9 - Opera Browser / Walkthrough

    • #10 - Brave Browser / Overview

    • #11 - Brave Browser / Walkthrough

    • Assignment: Brave Browser

    • Module Test: Web 3 Browser

    • #12 - Acent Browser / Overview

    • #13 - Acent Browser / Walkthrough

    • #14 - Web3 Browser Wallets

  • 6

    #6 - Web3 File Storage

    • #1 - Arweave File Storage / Overview

    • #2 - Arweave File Storage / Walkthrough

    • #3 - Storj File Storage / Overview

    • #4 - Storj File Storage / Walkthrough

    • #5 - Filecoin File Storage / Overview

    • #6 - Filecoin File Storage / Walkthrough - Part 1

    • #7 - Filecoin File Storage / / Walkthrough - Part 2

    • #8 - Filecoin File Storage / Walkthrough - Part 3

    • #9 - Filecoin File Storage / / Walkthrough - Part 4

    • Module Test: Web 3 File Storage

  • 7

    #7 - Web3 Projects

    • #1 - Audius / Overview

    • #2 - Audius / Walkthrough

    • #3 - BAT / Overview

    • #4 - BAT / Walkthrough

    • #5 - Chainlink / Overview

    • #6 - Chainlink / Walkthrough

    • #7 - Golem / Overview

    • #8 - Golem/ Walkthrough

    • #9 - Graph / Overview

    • #10 - Graph / Walkthrough

    • #11 - Helium / Overview

    • #12 - Helium / Commercial Introduction

    • #13 - Helium / Walkthrough

    • #14 - Stacks / Overview

    • #15 - Stacks / Commercial Introduction

    • #16 - Stacks/ Walkthrough

    • #17 - Theta / Overview

    • #18 - Theta / Walkthrough

    • Module Test: Web3 Projects

  • 8

    #8 - Web3 Domains

    • #1 - What is a Web3 Domain?

    • #2 - The Basics of Web3 Domains

    • #3 - Web3 Domain Benefits 1.0

    • #4 - Web3 Domain Benefits 1.1

    • #5 - How To Register A Web3 Domain Name

    • #6 - ENS and How it Works

    • #7 - ENS Use Cases

    • Module Test: Web3 Domains

  • 9

    #9 - Ethereum Name Service

    • #1 - What is ENS

    • #2 - ENS Terminology

    • Module Test: Ethereum Name Service

  • 10

    #10 - DAO

    • #1 - DAO Basics

    • #2 - DAO

    • #3 - Why DAOs?

    • #4 - DAO Vs. Traditional Organizations

    • #5 - DAO Examples

    • #6 - DAO Membership

    • #7 - Reputation-Based Membership

    • #8 - How Do DAOs Work?

    • #9 - Ethereum and DAOs

    • Module Test: DAO

  • 11

    #11 - Creating DAOs

    • #1 - The DAO

    • #2 - Why should I create a DAO?

    • #3 - What do you Need to Create a DAO

    • #4 - How Do I Create My DAO?

    • #5 - Aragon

    • #6 - The Snapshot

    • #7 - Examples of Successful DAOs

    • Module Test: Creating DAOs

  • 12

    #12 - Important Literature on DAO

    • #1 - The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations.

    • #2 - Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness

    • #3 - Brave New Work: Are You Ready To Reinvent Your Organization?

    • #4 - The Penguin and the Leviathan: The Triumph of Cooperation Over Self-Interest

    • #5 - The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups

  • 13

    #13 - Web3 Studies

    • #1 - a16z - The Web3 Landscape

    • #2 - a16z - Web3 Policy Handbook.pdf

    • #3 - Cambridge University - Crypto, Web3, and the Metaverse

    • #4 - Congressional Research Study - Web3, A Proposed Blockchain-Based, Decentralized Web

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    #14 - Web3 Trends

    • #1 - Web3 Trends

    • #2 - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

    • #3 - Airdrops

    • #4 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

    • #5 - Cross-Chain Interoperability

    • #6 - Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS)

    • #7 - Education

    • #8 - Layer-2 Scaling Solutions

    • #9 - Mainstream Adoption

    • #10 - Move-to-Earn (M2E)

    • #11 - Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

    • #12 - Sustainability

    • Module Test: Web3 Trends