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Course Launch Date / September 30, 2023

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Metaverse Investigation Course

We have Already Helped Countless People Around The World - Are You Next?

If you're looking to learn everything there is to know about the Metaverse, look no further! Our comprehensive online course is perfect for individuals, accountants, financial advisors, and fraud investigators. You'll learn about this new virtual space in-depth, as well as have a deep understanding of what it means for you, your business, or your organization! Don't miss out - enroll today!

Course Info

This course will take you 25 hours to complete.

  • Videos

  • Walkthroughs

  • Quizzes

  • Written Materials

  • Downloadable Resources

  • Certification

Learning Modules

Get Certified in Metaverse

  • How does the Metaverse work?

  • What the Metaverse?

  • Advantages of the Metaverse

  • What are Metaverse risks?

  • How do I start using the Metaverse?

  • Metaverse Projects

  • Metaverse Marketplaces

  • Metaverse Products

  • Metaverse Tokens

  • Token Economics

  • Metaverse Jobs

  • and more


  • Metaverse DAO

  • Builder 101

  • Metaverse Smart Items

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