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Web3 Investigator Course

We have Already Helped Countless People Around The World - Are You Next?

If you're looking to learn everything there is to know about Web3, look no further! Our comprehensive online course is perfect for private individuals, accountants, financial advisors, and fraud investigators. You'll learn about Web3 in-depth, as well as have a deep understanding of what it means for you, your business, or your organization! Don't miss out - enroll today!

Course Info

This course will take you 25 hours to complete.

  • Videos

  • Walkthroughs

  • Quizzes

  • Written Materials

  • Downloadable Resources

  • Certification

Learning Modules

Get Certified in Web3

  • How does Web3 work?

  • What is Web3?

  • Advantages of Web3

  • What are Web3 risks?

  • How do I use Web3?

  • Decentralized Digital Identities

  • NFT Domains


  • File Storage

  • Web3 Hosting

  • Web3 Cloud Computing

  • Web3 Cyber Security


  • Filecoin

  • Arweave

  • Sia Skynet

  • Storj

  • Bluzelle

  • Lambda

  • Chainlink

  • Helium

  • Theta Network

  • The Graph

  • Ethereum Name Service

  • and more

2023 Course curriculum

  • 1

    #1 - Eras of the Internet

    • #1 - Eras of the Internet

    • Assignment: First Era of the Internet

    • #2 - The First Era of the Internet

    • #3 - The Second Era of the Internet

    • #4 - The Third Era of the Internet

    • #5 - Crypto Networks

    • #6 - Decentralization Basics

    • Module Test: Eras of The Internet

  • 2

    #2 - Web 1

    • #1 - Web 1.0

    • Module Test: Web 1

  • 3

    #3 - Web 2

    • #1 Web 2.0

    • #2 Web 2.0 / Monetization

    • Module Test: Web 2

  • 4

    #4 - Web 3

    • #1 - An Introduction to Web3

    • 2# - What is Web3

    • #3 - The Basics of Web3

    • #4 - Core ideas of Web3

    • #5 - Web3 & Censorship Resistance

    • #6 - Web3 & Ownership

    • #7 - Web 3 & Identity

    • #8 - Web3 Payments

    • #9 - Companies and Organizations with Web3

    • #10 - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

    • Module Test: Web 3

  • 5

    #5 - Web3 Browser

    • #1 - Web3 Browsers

    • #2 - Status Browser / Overview

    • #3 - Status Browser / Self-Introduction

    • #4 - Status Browser / Walkthrough / Part 1

    • #5 - Status Browser / Walkthrough / Part 2

    • Assignment: Status Browser

    • #6 - Puma Browser / Overview

    • #7 - Puma Browser / Walkthrough

    • #8 - Opera Browser / Overview

    • #9 - Opera Browser / Walkthrough

    • #10 - Brave Browser / Overview

    • #11 - Brave Browser / Walkthrough

    • Assignment: Brave Browser

    • Module Test: Web 3 Browser

    • #12 - Acent Browser / Overview

    • #13 - Acent Browser / Walkthrough

    • #14 - Web3 Browser Wallets

  • 6

    #6 - Web3 File Storage

    • #1 - Arweave File Storage / Overview

    • #2 - Arweave File Storage / Walkthrough

    • #3 - Storj File Storage / Overview

    • #4 - Storj File Storage / Walkthrough

    • #5 - Filecoin File Storage / Overview

    • #6 - Filecoin File Storage / Walkthrough - Part 1

    • #7 - Filecoin File Storage / / Walkthrough - Part 2

    • #8 - Filecoin File Storage / Walkthrough - Part 3

    • #9 - Filecoin File Storage / / Walkthrough - Part 4

    • Module Test: Web 3 File Storage

  • 7

    #7 - Web3 Projects

    • #1 - Audius / Overview

    • #2 - Audius / Walkthrough

    • #3 - BAT / Overview

    • #4 - BAT / Walkthrough

    • #5 - Chainlink / Overview

    • #6 - Chainlink / Walkthrough

    • #7 - Golem / Overview

    • #8 - Golem/ Walkthrough

    • #9 - Graph / Overview

    • #10 - Graph / Walkthrough

    • #11 - Helium / Overview

    • #12 - Helium / Commercial Introduction

    • #13 - Helium / Walkthrough

    • #14 - Stacks / Overview

    • #15 - Stacks / Commercial Introduction

    • #16 - Stacks/ Walkthrough

    • #17 - Theta / Overview

    • #18 - Theta / Walkthrough

    • Module Test: Web3 Projects

  • 8

    #8 - Web3 Domains

    • #1 - What is a Web3 Domain?

    • #2 - The Basics of Web3 Domains

    • #3 - Web3 Domain Benefits 1.0

    • #4 - Web3 Domain Benefits 1.1

    • #5 - How To Register A Web3 Domain Name

    • #6 - ENS and How it Works

    • #7 - ENS Use Cases

    • Module Test: Web3 Domains

  • 9

    #9 - Ethereum Name Service

    • #1 - What is ENS

    • #2 - ENS Terminology

    • Module Test: Ethereum Name Service

  • 10

    #10 - DAO

    • #1 - DAO Basics

    • #2 - DAO

    • #3 - Why DAOs?

    • #4 - DAO Vs. Traditional Organizations

    • #5 - DAO Examples

    • #6 - DAO Membership

    • #7 - Reputation-Based Membership

    • #8 - How Do DAOs Work?

    • #9 - Ethereum and DAOs

    • Module Test: DAO

  • 11

    #11 - Creating DAOs

    • #1 - The DAO

    • #2 - Why should I create a DAO?

    • #3 - What do you Need to Create a DAO

    • #4 - How Do I Create My DAO?

    • #5 - Aragon

    • #6 - The Snapshot

    • #7 - Examples of Successful DAOs

    • Module Test: Creating DAOs

  • 12

    #12 - Important Literature on DAO

    • #1 - The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations.

    • #2 - Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness

    • #3 - Brave New Work: Are You Ready To Reinvent Your Organization?

    • #4 - The Penguin and the Leviathan: The Triumph of Cooperation Over Self-Interest

    • #5 - The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups

  • 13

    #13 - Web3 Studies

    • #1 - a16z - The Web3 Landscape

    • #2 - a16z - Web3 Policy Handbook.pdf

    • #3 - Cambridge University - Crypto, Web3, and the Metaverse

    • #4 - Congressional Research Study - Web3, A Proposed Blockchain-Based, Decentralized Web

  • 14

    #14 - Web3 Trends

    • #1 - Web3 Trends

    • #2 - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

    • #3 - Airdrops

    • #4 - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

    • #5 - Cross-Chain Interoperability

    • #6 - Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS)

    • #7 - Education

    • #8 - Layer-2 Scaling Solutions

    • #9 - Mainstream Adoption

    • #10 - Move-to-Earn (M2E)

    • #11 - Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

    • #12 - Sustainability

    • Module Test: Web3 Trends

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